Engage, Inspire, Convert

Uncover the Potential of Creative Content Marketing Solutions that Drive Audience Engagement and Boost Conversions

Creative Content Marketing

Engage, Inspire, Convert

Uncover the Potential of Creative Content Marketing Solutions that Drive Audience Engagement and Boost Conversions

Why Do Businesses Need Creative Content Marketing?

Creative content marketing is essential for businesses for several compelling reasons. It helps businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace. In today’s digital age, consumers are inundated with a vast amount of content on various platforms. Creative content marketing allows businesses to cut through the noise and capture the attention of their target audience. By delivering unique and engaging content, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and build a memorable brand identity.

Creative content marketing drives customer engagement and loyalty. When businesses produce high-quality, creative content that resonates with their target audience, it creates a strong connection between the brand and the consumer. Engaging content encourages customers to interact with the brand, share the content with others, and become loyal advocates. Through creative storytelling, businesses can forge emotional connections with their audience, foster trust, and ultimately increase customer loyalty and retention.

What Do We Offer?

Video Production
We create videos with/ without voiceover (up to 60 seconds). We create breathtaking videos that will leave your prospects spellbound. We create animated and on-location video blogs, vox pops, and more.
Social Media Player
People love consuming content in the form of videos on social platforms and that’s why it’s important to have a great social media video strategy.

Principally, we try to put up and present a lot of information about our subject in just a few seconds. Additionally, there are various elements like sounds, titles, and sub-titles that are to be included, and hence to create social media videos that are highly engaging you must hire nothing but the best.

Corporate Presentation (PPT/PDF)
A professionally created corporate presentation is a unique style of interacting with your prospective client and building a brand image of your company.

At Technominds Software, we design an effective corporate presentation that comprises of relevant statistical data, real-time figures, charts & graphics, and interactive visuals that impact more than words.

Company/ Product Brochure
Design an insightful brochure for your products and services. We design company/Product Brochures that are detailed, informative, and tactfully designed to create a massive first impression.
Business Cards Design
Business Cards are not an old-school idea but they are significant for a promising first impression.

A firm handshake and exchange of business cards have a greater impact on building long-term business associations. We design creative cards as per your business nature and requirements.

Flyer Designs for Products/Services

Flyers have always been a preferred method of advertising. Whether you wish to promote your business, product, or event, we offer a broad array of beautiful flyer designs that will drive the anticipated results.

Letter Head / Envelope Designs
Letterheads helps to strengthen the brand identity and so they should be designed comprehensively with all the right elements.

Sending a letter on a professionally designed letterhead creates a massive impact than just sending it on plain paper. Moreover, informational letterheads do marketing for your business and increase brand engagement.

Facebook Business Page
Facebook is the second most visited website through the world. Creating a business page on huge social platforms such as Facebook gives you upfront exposure to over 2 billion users.

A strategically created Facebook business page helps people to track your business from any nook and corner of the world. It also gives a wide platform to all your customers and prospects to come on the same stage and share views and opinions about your brand, Like and comment on your products and services which helps in your business rating and visibility. At Technominds Software, we update your business page with meaningful data in the form of posts and videos that resonate with the customers.

YouTube Business Account
YouTube is the second largest search engine and 3rd most visited website worldwide. We create your brand/ business account on YouTube and by streaming interesting and relevant ideas in the form of educational, informational, DIY, and “How To” videos on a platform as enormous as this, will surely give you the expected results.
Infographic Presentation Design
Get onboard with visual content marketing. We design a variety of infographics based on your requirements. The key is to keep the infographics factual by including valid data and statistics. We create full-size printable, uncluttered, and strong infographics with a strong call to action that emphasizes visual storytelling to demonstrate your brand’s expertise.
Pitch-Deck Designs
Our experienced team custom designs each pitch deck to maximize investor engagements. We create highly influential pitch deck presentations that project your business object, business model, mission and vision, growth rates, benchmarks, and milestones. All this is effectively curated and well imbibed in the form of presentations that propels your investors to be convinced by your business idea.

What Do We Offer?

Video Production
We create videos with/ without voiceover (up to 60 seconds). We create breathtaking videos that will leave your prospects spellbound. We create animated and on-location video blogs, vox pops, and more.
Social Media Player
People love consuming content in the form of videos on social platforms and that’s why it’s important to have a great social media video strategy.

Principally, we try to put up and present a lot of information about our subject in just a few seconds. Additionally, there are various elements like sounds, titles, and sub-titles that are to be included, and hence to create social media videos that are highly engaging you must hire nothing but the best.

Corporate Presentation (PPT/PDF)
A professionally created corporate presentation is a unique style of interacting with your prospective client and building a brand image of your company.

At Technominds Software, we design an effective corporate presentation that comprises of relevant statistical data, real-time figures, charts & graphics, and interactive visuals that impact more than words.

Company/ Product Brochure
Design an insightful brochure for your products and services. We design company/Product Brochures that are detailed, informative, and tactfully designed to create a massive first impression.
Business Cards Design
Business Cards are not an old-school idea but they are significant for a promising first impression.

A firm handshake and exchange of business cards have a greater impact on building long-term business associations. We design creative cards as per your business nature and requirements.

Flyer Designs for Products/Services

Flyers have always been a preferred method of advertising. Whether you wish to promote your business, product, or event, we offer a broad array of beautiful flyer designs that will drive the anticipated results.

Letter Head / Envelope Designs
Letterheads helps to strengthen the brand identity and so they should be designed comprehensively with all the right elements.

Sending a letter on a professionally designed letterhead creates a massive impact than just sending it on plain paper. Moreover, informational letterheads do marketing for your business and increase brand engagement.

Facebook Business Page
Facebook is the second most visited website through the world. Creating a business page on huge social platforms such as Facebook gives you upfront exposure to over 2 billion users.

A strategically created Facebook business page helps people to track your business from any nook and corner of the world. It also gives a wide platform to all your customers and prospects to come on the same stage and share views and opinions about your brand, Like and comment on your products and services which helps in your business rating and visibility. At Technominds Software, we update your business page with meaningful data in the form of posts and videos that resonate with the customers.

YouTube Business Account
YouTube is the second largest search engine and 3rd most visited website worldwide. We create your brand/ business account on YouTube and by streaming interesting and relevant ideas in the form of educational, informational, DIY, and “How To” videos on a platform as enormous as this, will surely give you the expected results.
Infographic Presentation Design
Get onboard with visual content marketing. We design a variety of infographics based on your requirements. The key is to keep the infographics factual by including valid data and statistics. We create full-size printable, uncluttered, and strong infographics with a strong call to action that emphasizes visual storytelling to demonstrate your brand’s expertise.
Pitch-Deck Designs
Our experienced team custom designs each pitch deck to maximize investor engagements. We create highly influential pitch deck presentations that project your business object, business model, mission and vision, growth rates, benchmarks, and milestones. All this is effectively curated and well imbibed in the form of presentations that propels your investors to be convinced by your business idea.

Why Choose Technomind Software Inc?

Experienced Team

Our team of experienced designers, developers, and project managers has extensive experience in building custom mobile apps for businesses of all sizes.

Transparent Process

We follow a transparent and collaborative development process, keeping our clients informed at every stage of the development cycle.

Quality Deliverables

At Technomind, we deliver high-quality mobile apps that meet the specific needs of our clients and provide a seamless user experience.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of timely delivery and work diligently to ensure that our mobile apps are delivered on time and within budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of mobile apps do you develop?
Our team specializes in building custom mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms, including native, hybrid, and web-based apps.
What is your development process?
We follow a transparent and collaborative development process that involves understanding the client’s requirements, designing the app’s user interface, developing the app, testing, and quality assurance, and delivering the final product.
How long does it take to develop a mobile app?
The time it takes to develop a mobile app varies depending on the app’s complexity, features, and platforms. Typically, our development process takes anywhere from three to six months.
How much does it cost to develop a mobile app?
The cost of developing a mobile app depends on various factors, such as the app’s complexity, features, and platforms. We offer customized pricing based on the client’s specific needs and requirements.
Do you provide ongoing maintenance and support services?
Yes, we provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that our clients’ mobile apps are always up-to-date, secure, and performing well.
Can you help us with app store optimization?
Yes, we can help you optimize your mobile app for the app stores by conducting keyword research, designing an attractive icon, creating a compelling app title and description, and other optimization techniques.
Will I own the source code of the app?
Yes, our clients own the source code of the app upon completion of the project.
How do you ensure the security of our mobile app?
We follow industry best practices and employ various security measures, such as secure coding practices, data encryption, and secure server configurations, to ensure the security of our client’s mobile apps.